
  • October 26, 2021
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  • Options Investing

Active vs. passive hedging

In the world of investing, a debate that often takes place is on how to best hedge a portfolio. ...

  • September 13, 2021
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  • Options Investing


With markets pulling back as they have the past couple of weeks, this could be an opportunity for you...

  • August 2, 2021
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  • Options Investing


The S&P 500 is about 1% off of the all-time highs.  With that being said, there is a lot...

  • July 20, 2021
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  • Options Investing

a twist on selling puts

While we have discussed this strategy a bit last April, I want to revisit it today as I feel...

  • July 12, 2021
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  • Options Investing

Income vs. appreciation

I ran into a situation with last week’s expiration that made me think about the dynamics of a covered...

  • June 28, 2021
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  • Options Investing

Upside Garbage

A couple of months ago, I wrote an article about buying garbage.  In the article I explained how I...

  • June 7, 2021
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  • Options Investing

Should I buy these all-time highs?

Well that is a question that almost everyone seems to have on their mind right now with stocks making...